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Is one enthralling game, which involves lots of guesses, questioning and exploration to get to the crux of the cases. After cracking the 6 smaller cases, the player is directed towards the final intriguing plot which is all interconnected with one another. For all Sherlock Holmeās this game, won't fail to create magic.
This game is set in the time of World War 2, this game is fairly good relating to its theme. The game gives you to select campaigns from playing in Normandy, Ardennes, and North Africa. Just like the other Tank simulator you have control over multiple tanks, i.e. up to 4 tanks.
The player has to score the maximum by playing with the opponent, by scoring a point every time the hockey pucks past the opponent's bat. The game can be played either with the computer or by choosing an opponent of your choice. There are different modes which allow the player to play with different players who apply varied ways of playing.
The game involves the player navigating a spaceship shuttle through various gaps in space barriers. The shuttle has a destination and during its journey, it has to cross these hurdles and lastly park the spaceship on a predesignated spots.
Featuring about 100 puzzles, the player is needed to solve puzzles all by merely building a machine joining together different objects. Only after completing one puzzle can the player move to the next level. The puzzles are divided into four levels. In addition, the player can add their own puzzles or else play from the seventy-some puzzles of gadgets.
The game takes us to a realm where we are given the responsibility of reviving a war-torn Avalon and win over the evil Mithras. The game is designed like a novel with different chapters as we pass through and it being interactive gives it a more interesting twist.
The basic concept of the game is to fly and control a helicopter - the McDonnell/Douglas's powerful "Apache". The manuals on how to fly it, its limits and restraints, and how to handle emergency situations are a part of the package.
The Central Computer System controlling the whole Galaxy network have been attacked by the terrorist and they are using it to attack the colonies across the galaxy in different planets and you are the last resort to save the galaxy including our Earth.
Pack your bags, have the neighbors collect your mail, and take a working vacation in the rainforests of SimIsle. Build tourist hotels, exploit natural resources and develop industry in a land of beauty and danger.
This game gives players the opportunity to be in control, to start from just one storey building and build it to a level of a skyscraper. Your skyscraper needs to be beautiful, modern, elegant, and so popular that many of the wealthy people in your city could want a space.
Is a simulation strategy game which makes you a head of ant colony. There are 3 ways to play SimAnt: Quick Games, Full Games, and Experimental games.
Build your own city in the second edition of SimCity system simulation game. In this new version, the player is given the extra ability to build lands using different elevations. The difference between the older and newer version is, now unlike the prequel, herein, the player is offered the ability to construct land even before the structures are built.
The challenge of playing a SYSTEM SIMULATION game is to figure out how the system works and how to take control of it. As master of the system you are free to use the tools to create and control an unlimited number of systems within the framework and limits provided by the rules.
Each of the eight included Scenarios is actually a game in itself, with an unlimited number of ways to win - or lose.
Is a planet simulator - a model of a planet. It is a game, an educational toy, and an enjoyable tool. With SimEarth you can take over many included planets, or design and create your own.