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The goal is to kill as many dinosaurs as possible while avoiding traps and water bodies. There are also several bonus objects along the way which can earn the player bonus points and extra lives. One of these bonus objects is a huge iron ball that takes 1 hit to break.
The game offers three player modes where the player can choose from single player, two player modes or can simply watch the game played between two computer players. There are a number of teams to choose from- Boston, Dallas, Detroit, Frisco, Howard, Newyork, Sharks, Snakes, and Tigers.
As a Knight of the Table of the King, you as well as the other lords of the land, seek the Rainbow Egg. Whoever gets it, the people will say will rule, and you will be king. Nobody knows where the egg is, somesay it has been buried, other say it lies in a chest, some say its hidden in a grave, others say it doesn't exist at all. You must find the Egg, and with a new leader you will bring the country to its former glory.
You will be flying in what we call a TeleVirtual Arena with an invisible top and sides, which you may discover by hitting them like a bird hits clear glass. You can land on the Gravitron (the top floating object) Main Pad (center floating object) or the Hanger (on the ground) to load up on energy again.
Experience the emotions and thrills of a racing driver on the track: take part in his breathtaking braking and acceleration. In the hell of the formula-one-race: VROOM offers you supreme arcade-action and assures you of a racing game of exceptional smoothness and speed.
The objective of the makers is to demonstrate how much stuff can be accommodated inside the car, making it a perfect choice for big families. The game offers five levels, each with the same gameplay but different objects.
Journey with our friendly neighborhood computer nerd, Geekwad Gamer, through the hilarious world of Big Guys with Muscles, Roadkill, Rambi vs. Blambo, Ping and Steroids, Finally, a computer game that fails to take itself seriously.
The player assumes the role of a wall street stock broker. The game starts by testing the player’s knowledge of stocks and shares and the basics of trading by asking a variety of questions. Each correct answer gives the player some money to use during the game.
Play the ready scenarios, separately or in campigns, or use the editor to combine and modify the troops and maps in myriads of ways. Extensive research and design experience give Walls of Rome an exciting depth of strategy, level of reality, and height of enjoyment.
Wari opens with twelve bowls, called "houses". Six houses are on your side, six on your opponent's. Each house is filled with 4 stones, for a total of 48. The object of the games is to be the first player to capture the majority of stones (25 or more wins).
Warriors of Legend begins with our warriors' quest to restore Lemuria its former state. They embark upon their journey, unsure of a plan, but sure in their hearts that they must somehow be victorious.
The player plays a role of a "WarWizard" a powerful character who can use magic and fights to complete the search for the required thing/quests.
As War Chief, you must battle the deadliest dregs of society, from cutthroat kamakazies on jet skis, to bloodthirsty brutes armed and ready to rampage.
The protagonist in the game is Batman, the billionaire action hero who must save his girlfriend Robin from the clutches of an evil enemy whose identity is revealed only towards the end. To succeed in the task, Batman must first gather all the necessary equipment from his Batcave which is infested with dangerous creatures and has an extremely hostile environment.
From the adrenaline rush of a breakaway goal to the tension of Sudden Death Overtime, Wayne Gretzky Hockey takes you onto the ice for the ultimate test of skill.