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Battle Bugs is a strategy game that is played real-time. The game is not entirely real-time as you are allowed to stop action for a bit any time. You have command over twenty-two varieties of insects that are to be directed against either another player or the computer.
Is an abstract board game whose basic properties (piece selection, motion, etc.) are physically intuitive.
The ships are placed on the lower grid by specifying their starting points. The starting point is the intersecting point on the grid which corresponds to the letter/number or number/letter combination selected.
The object of Atlantis is to conquer all eight islands which make up the atoll called 'Atlantis'. You play the army called the Olympians. The computer will play the other three adversaries, the Calydonians, Argonauts, and then Titans.
Your task is to restore order by conquering the four kingdoms and handing their crowns to the Watcher who inhabits the Tower.
The objective of the player is to master the special skills and fighting style of one of the five characters who are available in the game. The player has to be triumphant to win the tournament and ensure that the human race is worth saving.
The Campaign mode features 50 missions. Each mission has objectives such as destroying enemy supply convoys, executing a full-scale assault on the opponent’s homeland. The winning player will then get to select the admiral against whom they can fight.
You begin the game as an unranked Battle Lord. To become Ruler of the Battle Lords you must defeat the ranked contenders in order. The computer occupies the top ten rankings when the game is first installed.
You are the commander of one of Galcoms premier warships. Your primary mission is to resolve conflicts with a show of force. It's that simple.
The game is set in a sci-fi, futuristic and historical events setting and is played with a top-down perspective.
The game aims to find the ship of the opponent and sink it. Both the players place their ships on the grid. They take turns to locate or guess where the opponent’s ships are located to find them.
The object of the game is to sink my navy in the fewest number of shots, before I sink yours. The game board is divided in two sections. You will place your navy on the left, I will place mine on the right.
This game simulates the breakout and pursuit of the German Battleship Bismarck that occurred during the early stages of World War II. The computer performs most of the tedious calculations and exhibits the results on the screen.
Ships may only be placed horizontally, and the user must be careful not to block their cursor in the top corner. When the ships have been placed then you will be presented with the game screen.
Feel the 500mph hit of full-contact sport. Go for a career high in kills. Taste titanium exhaust. Get inducted into the Hall of Flames.