A Matter of Time
Text/Graphics Adventure
Version 1.2
In this introductory level adventure, the player must search for a fellow scientist, who
is currently missing after experimenting with a time traveling device. You must
travel back in time in search of this man, who has been accused of the murder of a colleague.
To begin the game, first enter CD [Directory], where [Directory] is the location of the game files.
Type the command 'Time1' and hit Enter. The game will then begin.
You may also start from Windows by simply clicking on Time1.exe in Windows Explorer.
The game will load graphic screens periodically throughout the game. To switch back to text mode press the
Space Bar.
This game has a reasonably flexible parser and should accept short sentences in the
Verb-Noun format. Adjectives, pronouns and prepositions are also allowed. If a certain
command doesn't work, try experimenting.
To travel about, use the directional commands, N, S, E, W, Up and Down.
You may need to use objects to travel in certain situations. The Inventory command
will show all the items currently in your possession.
In order to save your current game position, use the Save command. Restore will
load you saved games. To exit a game, simply use the quit command.
Although written for DOS, this game should work on most Windows systems. Try starting the game from Windows
first, and if that doesn't work try switching to the DOS prompt. In some cases you may need to switch to DOS mode
If having problems from DOS, (a common error message is: "Load error:no DPMI - Get csdpmi*b.zip"), copy the files
found in the 'Old' directory into the 'Time1' directory, overwriting the current game files. This is an earlier
version of the game, which is more compatible with DOS only systems. It is just missing one or two functions
found in the newer version.
Another alternative is to turn the graphics or sounds off, which will allow you to play the game in text-only mode.
This game may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes.
Design and Rendered Graphics... Michael Zerbo
Additional Artwork... Vivian McAlexander
Sound Software... John Ball
Graphics Software... Jan Patera
Special thanks to... Thomas Nilsson
Goran Forslund
Christopher Zerbo
E-mail: deadletteroffice0@lycos.com
(C) 1995 M. Zerbo