Action Soccer

Developed by:
Ubisoft SRL
Ubisoft has been present in Romania since 1992, the first studio established outside France and its first studio in Eastern Europe. The Romanian adventure began with a small team of 4 programmers and 2 graphic artists, responsible for porting Ubisoft’s console games on PCs. As of 1998, in addition to the production studio, the Bucharest subsidiary includes a marketing and sales department. The division distributes Ubisoft games and Guillemot products (PC and console accessories from Thrustmaster and hardware from Hercules). In 2008 the division has 500 people in its production, testing and IT departments.
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Released in 1995 by Ubi Soft Entertainment, ACTION SOCCER is a colorful and fun soccer game that adds some quirks and comedy to soccer. Its 16 different players are represented with humorous animal cartoons and they are given hilarious names like the Dancing Dolphins, the Nagging Horses, and The Flying Moles. Its graphics are cartoonish, colorful, and quite interesting to look at.
Alongside the option to select how the weather is going to look on the football pitch, whether snowy, rainy, night, or day, players can choose what camera angle they prefer from either 3D isometric and 2D overview, The 16 different teams have strong and weak points in terms of skills like strength, speed, and shot power. This allows players to choose from a wide variety based on the strength of their gameplay. In addition, ACTION SOCCER offers players the option to choose what kind of strategy will their soccer team use. Are they going to play offense, defense, or are they going to play a balance of both as normal?
All of these options are playable and players can compete and win in the UBI CUP, a tournament, or a championship. Although the game follows some basic football rules, it is more focused on fun than realism and does not account for offside and player's fatigue levels. This emphasis on the fun side of soccer is made more memorable by the funny and witty commentary of Jonathan Pierce and UBI soft entertainment’s editor during matches. Action soccer is a joyful and funny game that players will cherish as both single-player and multiplayer.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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