African Raiders-01

Developed by:
Coktel Vision
Coktel Vision is a French game developer founded in 1985 and located in Paris. The company created adventure, action and educational games. The company was acquired by Sierra On-Line, Inc. in 1993.
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African Raiders-01 is a CGA rally racing game developed by Tomahawk. It is set in the isolated deserts of Africa with decent tracks through dunes. The game attempts to depict the African leg of the 11th Paris-Dakar march course, that occurs in 1988-89 across Senegal, Mali, Tunisia, Niger, Algeria, and Burkina Faso.
The player drives a car through the Sahara in a third-person perspective from 'behind the automobile'.
If the player becomes lost in the dunes, the vehicle begins to skid. They may then choose between the car's 4 by 2 and 4 by 4 modes. There are advantages and downsides to each of these approaches.
The car in 4 by 4 mode can reach speeds of 87 MPH, yet it can also stop on path markers. The 4x2 option, on the other hand, reduces the car's parameters but can cause the car to knock off the route markings.
Gear switches allow the automobile to be driven frontwards and backward without getting stuck in sand or blocked by route markings. A compass directs the player on the right path. The indicators display the length of the path traveled and the volume of the residuary fuel.
To procure in the march, the player must leave the other drivers behind on the track.
The game comprises five levels with distinct and evident horizons and track lengths. So, they have to conquer the sands of Sahara, perform well on the timed course, and finish first.
African Raiders-01 is a decent arcade-style simulation racing game, but with only five stages, it might get repetitive quickly. It was released in 1989 on DOS.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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