Alone in The Dark

Developed by:
Infogrames Entertainment
Infogrames Entertainment was French company producing interactive games for PC and consoles. The company was founded in 1983 and eventually owned Atari, Inc. and Atari Europe.
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The owner of Derceto, Jeremy Hartwood, died a few days ago. The police report, filled after a cursory investigation, concluded that the well-known artist had taken his own life. His devoted butler confirmed that Hartwood had been suffering from considerable mental depression fo some months. He had placed even more strain on his already delicate health by translating the many ancient manuscripts contained in Derceto's extensive library. He also suffered from insomnia and what few hours of sleep he had were troubled by particularly disturbing nightmares. He appeared to be convinced of a mysterious presence in the old house.
Desceto is now empty. Rumours abound of a curse or of an evil power dwelling within its walls. Such stories are not uncommon with houses like Derceto, especially in this particular area. For some days now, however, a cloud of doubt has hung over your mind... What are those strange lights inside the house at nightfall? What could account for the eerie noises to be heard each time you approach? Why did Jeremy commit suicide? And what compels you toward the house? What is Derceto's terrible secret?


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9/4/2014 12:01:00 PM - Mark Phiz Makes $ to play before we all go off this planet because. Its as good as part 2 (my last notes on this site )
2/15/2013 11:55:00 AM - gan good
10/25/2012 2:53:00 PM - faique very yery poor game
8/26/2012 8:01:00 AM - asmar it is good game
8/14/2012 6:11:00 PM - lol LOL wtf free games think Im actaully going to pay for this lol you guys are so stupid
8/3/2012 3:47:00 AM - Sendir Freegameimpire do I need to make a account to download the games?
7/21/2012 5:41:00 PM - Sp00n I dont know how to make songs play,but i know how to make sound work-press Esc and there will be '' Sound off '' press enter and it will be '' Sound on '' and then you will hear the sound. Good luck of beeing..ALONE IN THE DARK
7/18/2012 2:48:00 PM - Visor How do you run? He walks so slow,and i just cant barricade the window before the rat shows up!!
7/11/2012 7:58:00 PM - Rafh i played this game when i was 10year old and scared me a lot, now i played again it has a very intringuing history, about pirates and black magic.
7/10/2012 4:00:00 PM - David interesting game
5/19/2012 9:16:00 AM - neurocron classa number one. AITD is first survival horror game in history
4/16/2012 5:46:00 AM - Bradley I've downloaded the files but the sound won't work. Any suggestions?
9/6/2011 9:04:00 PM - Seph have always loved this game,when my dad first bought this game the music was better, im guessing for the windows release they composed a proper score for it and removed the dos music, still a great game though, was suprised how much of it came flooding back to me in terms of what do i do now?
6/6/2011 4:23:00 AM - b I remember playing this game at a computer store when I was around 11. I really enjoyed it even though the game did scare me a bit. It is fun to find it again, however, I cannot hear any music.
1/14/2011 1:03:00 AM - E How do you enter the items in the beginning to start the game?
8/30/2010 8:26:00 PM - tony i like this game
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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