
Developed by:
Astral Software
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In Archipelagos you are floating just a metre above the ground, as if disembodied, amongst a group of islands known as an Archipelago. Scattered around the Archipelago are stones, and somewhere there is one special stone - the Obelisk.
Embodied in the Obelisk, is the power that cleansed the Archipelago of humans in Ancient Times. And the blood of the ancient peoples still comes to stain the land surface. To remove the power you must destroy the Obelisk. The Obelisk receives its power from the stones of the Archipelago, so each of the stones needs to be destroyed in turn by being drained of it's energy. Before you can absorb the energy from a stone however, you must first join it by a continuous land path (not neccessarily a straight one) to the Obelisk - sometimes you will even have to build vast landbridges from island to island - and only then can you absorb the energy of a stone. Once the energy from all of the stones has been successfully absorbed, the Obelisk will become vulnerable for ninety seconds. During this time, you must return to the Obelisk and absorb it's energy. Failing to do this in time will result in the Obelisk destroying you. This is Archipelago in theory, now lets get some practice...



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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