BipBop II

Developed by:
S&M Software
No Multiplayer
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The original, pristine, uncensored version of BipBop! A little slice of gaming history!
BipBop. Twenty more levels of fast-paced action, with all new graphics and a surprise twist ending! Without any doubt, THE BEST ball-and-paddle type game that exists in the entire universe.
A really slick screen saver that cashes in on the fantastic graphics work that you've come to expect from S&M Software.
When you select "PLAY" from the main menu, you'll be off on a wondrous adventure.
Your objective is to remove all "boinks" from the screen. A boink is a little box with a Roman numeral in it. You'll note that when you bounce your ball against a boink, it's value decreases. This, in a nutshell, is the whole idea. Knock a boink down to zero, and it will disappear. When all of the boinks on a level are eradicated, in accordance with state and federal laws governing the individual's right to destroy numbers, you'll advance to the next board. There are twenty in all. Best of luck... you'll need it. You control the game by manipulating your paddle, which you'll find at the bottom of the screen. Mouse users, simply trundle your rodent left and right. Keyboard aficionados, use the [ALT] and [CTRL] keys. [ALT] goes left, and, fortunately, [CTRL] shifts the paddle to the right. Simple, eh? But, that's not all.
The paddle is a fascinating instrument indeed, for it possesses the power to ejaculate bullets of approximately three times its own mass. To test your firepower, press a mouse button, or the [SPACE] bar on the keyboard. Get good with these bullets... you have about a kazillion of them, and you'll need them on occasion. The ball that you bat around in hopes of nailing a boink or two will bounce off of these bullets, which make them most useful for tricks and such.
Boinks aren't the only things populating the levels, by the way. You'll also find:
GOBLINS - Mean little buggers who, when touched, boost every boink on the level by one. You'll discover this soon enough.
ONE-UPS - Free lives, which you will certainly be thirsting for.
SHOCKS - Look like exclamation points, and not even WE are sure what they do.
If you make it past all of these beasties, you might just get to the end of the game, and learn exactly why you've been playing. (It's a zen moment; don't miss it).
There are two ways of hitting the ball with your paddle - You can simply deflect it, or you can "corner" it, and hit it back the way it came. The brighter ones among you will quickly pick up on how this could be a valuable tool.
Also, learn to use the tips of your bullets to reroute the ball in midair. If you get locked into a repeating pattern of bounces, this is one way to escape and get on with your life.
"NOMOUSE" - A command line switch to deactivate said vermin.
[TAB] - For keyboard users, cycles between menu options.
[CTRL][ALT] - Also for keyboard users, to control the paddle.
[SPACE] - Yet again for those with keyboards, fires a bullet.
Mouse buttons - Select menu choices, and fire bullets.
[ESC] - Gets you out of where you are, to where you were.
[P] - Pauses the game. Press a mouse button or any key to
get back into the action again.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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