Bob's Dragon Hunt

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The VirtualDungeon is best described as a 3-D simulation of reality, in this case a Fantasy. Many actions you would think to do will have similar results AS IF YOU WERE THERE! A list of commands is available by pressing "?".
To start the game, type "DRAGHUNT". You may turn off the sound by typing "DRAGHUNT -ns" to start the game.
Once pon a time, in the fantasy land of Neverwas, in the small village of Wontbe, lived a young man named Bob. Bob was aprenticed to hugh the blacksmith and had recently begun to muse on the idea of wedlock to Whennie, daughter of the herbmaster Lorre.
Here are some basic instructions to improve survivability:
a) (g)et your best weapon in-hand first,
b) (w)ear your best armor next,
c) use the "+" and "-" keys to turn around and see what Dragons are nearby, use e(x)amine command to look at a location, item or Dragon, use (S)tatus command and select yourself, ie. press "S" and press Enter, to examine your character,
d) keep your back to a wall(always good advice whenever given!),
e) as soon as possible, wear your magic jewelry and (d)rop all cursed stuff. Also, drop that heavy stuff you can't use such as extra shields or poleaxes,
f) if you have a Grimore or Prayerbook in your pack, (c)ast a spell to look at your book. You can always (escape) to abort the spell,
g) if you can't kill a measly dragon lizard with one blow, try and find a better weapon! When the Real Thing shows up, you wouldn't have a chance.
h) these items or powers are a big PLUS: invisibility, slay dragon, weapons of paralyze,
i) try out items you find only if truly desperate or you are feeling very lucky. A level 30 Knowledge will allow you to Know all items' attributes and allow (S)tatus on monster.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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