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CHESS88 is an early DOS chess game where players can compete to a checkmate against the computer.
It features basic chess moves on a black and white chessboard. There’s no multiplayer game, so it’s only
you against the computer AI that can sometimes surprise you.
Most of the gameplay is generic chess with early graphics design on board. The overhead view is
monochromatic with only black and white colors and each chess piece is represented by a pixelated symbol.
It’s relaxed, chilled, and made as a break room game to pass time. The main challenge is to defeat the
computer AI that can take a few minutes before making its move. If you make it complicated, you could wait
for a while.
The simplicity of this game runs through every aspect of it. To play, all you need are three sets of keys.
You’ll use the delete (DEL) key to select a chess piece and move it around the board using the arrow keys.
Your piece can only be placed within the range allocated to it by the rules of the game. Once you move your
piece to the desired position, you can place it on the board using the insert key.
Then wait for the computer to play its turn.
If you are a seasoned chess player, this game has 6 different difficulty levels to keep you on your toes.
For newbies, CHESS88 offers a chance to practice and nurture their skills. Chess88 debuted in the United
States in 1988, and it’s available on DOS.