Cold Dreams

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Immortality production
No Multiplayer
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The Cold dreams, an action video game with a side view perspective. The game consists of a flip screen and fixed visuals. The story of the game is related to science fiction, and fantasy.
In the game, the player has to travel to Swandah (a red planet) in order to prove his strength and prove his value as the knight of the galaxy. It has been believed that there is an ancient curse lying in the Swandah planet. Folks believe that there is an underground puzzle of the large cave in the common area, which is safeguarded by several old monstrosities and hides several secrets within it. No one who has traveled to the planet has been able to return from there.
Therefore, in order to prove his bravery and worth, the player sets himself on the quest to travel to the Swandah planet, solve the mystery and to learn about the curse of the planet.
Cold dreams are made up of three gaming world. Each of the worlds is further segmented into several levels. The player usually has to move from one room to the other and find the right pair of keys. As the player progresses in the game, he needs to be very careful about the several traps laid down for him. The player will come across several unusual creatures inhabiting the cave. The player gets a choice of five weapons, which he can use to shoot enemies of different types. A major feature of the game is that the game provides a robot as the player’s companion. The player can program the robot to follow him or else, he can control the robot with the help of a remote.



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6/2/2014 10:18:00 PM - Metal I meen game! Cold dreams
5/31/2014 11:27:00 PM - Metal I can open the came! please help!
3/10/2014 12:06:00 PM - Dette In Deutsch wäre es noch Interessanter
2/27/2014 12:55:00 PM - chris great game
1/14/2013 2:35:00 AM - sushi bello
4/12/2011 11:22:00 PM - joe this game is shit
11/3/2010 5:57:00 PM - Alex This game sucks hard.
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
Please fill in the math result and click Download.