Welcome to .......... Doom

DOOMAWANGARA. Abbr.: Doom. Climate: varies dramatically from desert to jungle, glacier to swamp. Atmosphere intensely volatile; explorers must guard against rapid corrosion of equipment and spaceship alike. Dangers: Atmosphere, as above. Automatic defence system. Also the Ruins, reputed to have been the home, aeons ago, of The Ancients; none who has entered them has ever returned. Special Features: The large number of crashed spaceships littering its surface, many of which had been carrying treasure from one planet to another, make Doom a potentially lucrative source of income for that special breed of Explorer known as Adventurer...

Extract from Intergalactic Times, Vol. 3, Sec. 7, pp 187

You set off from Earth in your one-man ship, and are soon orbiting Doom.

Before you can contemplate a landing, however, your ship comes under a violent attack from Doom's automatic defence system. 'No wonder most ships never come back!' you tell yourself, as your ship tumbles out of control towards Doom's surface, with you playing the controls like the expert you are.

Nothing you can do can prevent the crash-landing, however, and your ship hits the ground with a force that would have killed you had you not jumped at the last moment to absorb some of the momentum...

You pick yourself up and survey the wreckage, knowing that your ship will corrode away in a mere 400 Time Units. Repair it by then or you'll be stuck on the planet forever. Doomed, in fact...

To function properly, your ship needs certain items (see over).

Without these, your ship simply won't fly. If any are too old or corroded, they won't work. If you can leave these components (and any treasure you find) in your cargo hold, what's left of your ship's systems - controlled by an intelligent console in the control room - will reassemble your ship and fly you home, hopefully a much richer person.

But remember - the corrosion clock is ticking away...


COUNTDOWN to DOOM (c) Peter Killworth Pub. TOPOLOGIKA 1987

'COUNTDOWN to DOOM' comes with on-line help which you get into by typing HELP <RETURN>. The program will halt and wait for you to type in a number so that it knows which 'hint' you want. You therefore need to know which numbers refer to which hints. Pages 2-4 of this Hint Sheet contain a series of questions that players typically ask, like 'How do I get out of this spaceship?' Various 'key words' have been deleted from these questions - making it harder to accidentally see the solutions to other questions - and are reproduced below. The numbers alongside the words refer to the questions. The number that follows each question is the number to key for that particular hint. Good luck!

ALLODILE          11   FLICKERING        45   POWER             13
ARTEFACT   2, 14, 28   GLACIER           32   PRESENT           24
BEAM              47   HALL              21   ROBOT              9
BLOB              39   HELMET             1   ROOF               1
BLOWN              8   ICE               44   SCREEN            45
CABINET           15   ICICLE            42   SEESAW            29
CHEST              7   IGLOO             38   SKATES            38
COMPONENTS        51   JUNGLE        19, 26   SLUGS             43
COMPUTER      12, 24   LASER             47   SPACESHIP          4
              27, 50   LIGHT             34   SWAMP      6, 20, 34
CORRIDOR           2   METATERMITES      22   SWITCHES          30
CRYSTALS      16, 33   MONSTER           33   THOUGHT           49
DECAPODS          35   MOTOR             48   TIME              40
DESERT        17, 18   MYSELF            25   TRAP              19
DISCS             50   OBJECT            46   TREASURE          10
DOOR              21   PAN               23   TUBES             37
DOORS             49   PHASER             5   UNIT              48
EATING            22   PIT                3   UP             8, 31
ENTRANCE          28   PLATFORM          13   VOLCANO       31, 41
EXPLOSIVE         36   PNEUMATIC         37

 1  How do I get the ****** onto the ****?                      43

 2  How can I get out of the curving ******** in the             6
 3  How do I avoid dying in the ***?                            27

 4  How do I get out of the *********?                           1

 5  How can I stop the ****** killing me?                       11

 6  How do I avoid dying after sinking safely to the bottom     22
        of the *****?   
 7  How can I stay alive opening the *****?                     38

 8  How do I stop myself getting ***** **?                       2

 9  How can I stop the ***** taking all my objects?             26

10  How do I locate ********?                                   48

11  How do I get across the ********?                           25

12  How do I avoid dying when I leave the ******** room?        34

13  How can I stop the ******** running out of ***** in the     14
        wrong place?    
14  How can I not be killed when I enter the ******** from       4
        the NE?
15  How can I stay alive opening the *******?                   38

16  How can I stop the ******** killing me?                     17

17  How can I get back from beyond the ******?                   9

18  How can I survive in the ******?                             7

19  How can I get across the **** in the ******?                46

20  How do I stay alive in the ****?                            18

21  How do I get through the large **** in the ***?             45

22  How do I stop the ************ ****** everything?           42

23  How can I stay alive opening the ***?                       38

24  How do I avoid getting killed going through doors           37
        after getting the ******* from the ********?  
25  What should I give ******?                                  21

26  How do I avoid getting lost in the ******?                  12

27  How do I stop the ******** telling me off for killing?      36

28  How can I get into the ******** through the SW ********?     5

29  How do I use the ******?                                     8

30  How can I get all the ******** turned to ON?                19

31  How do I avoid dying going ** the *******?                  30

32  How do I avoid dying of cold on the *******?                10

33  How can I stop the ******* killing me when I try to go      16
        past or take the ********?
34  How do I get ***** below the *****?                         29
35  How do I stop the ******** getting me?                      24

36  How do I get out once I've used the *********?               3

37  How can I avoid getting lost in the *********               23
        ***** maze?
38  How do I get the ****** out of the *****?                   31

39  How can I stop the **** killing me when I pick it up?       15

40  How can I achieve anything when I'm forward in ****?        20
41  How do I avoid dying going down the *******?                41

42  How can I get the ******?                                   39

43  How do I stop the ***** killing me?                         40

44  How can I stay alive crossing the *** rink?                 32

45  How can I stop the ********** ****** killing me?            28

46  How do I enquire about the use of any ******?               47

47  How do I stop the ***** **** killing me?                    33

48  How do I get the ***** ****?                                13

49  How do I get past the *******-sensing *****?                44

50  How do I make the ******** accept the *****?                35

51  How do I locate the spaceship **********?                   48
'COUNTDOWN to DOOM' (C) Peter Killworth  Publ. by Topologika  1987