P Will pause the game.
+ - Keys work to change the speed control of your U-Boat.
(- slows downs the engine speed, + increase engine speed)
TAB Torpedo's eye view from the last torpedo fired (only
available when not in "Realistic" mode) while held down.
S For increased speed, toggles the 3D Sub On/Off when at the
Anti-Aircraft guns or the Deck Gun.
<CURSOR> keys Change direction of your U-boat.
The following keystrokes are to be used with the <ALT> key;
B Gives report by radar detection.
C Reports course in degrees.
D Damage reports.
S Turns U-Boat into view of targets.
G Turns digitized graphics ON/OFF.
H Hydrophone report.
I 1st officer identifies locations.
K Reports U-Boat speed in knots.
T Sets torpedoes
O Radar detection.
P Adjusts U-Boat for periscope view.
R Radio reports.
S Adjusts U-Boat for periscope depth.
V Turns volume ON/OFF
W Reports location of waypoints. (if any are selected...)
1 1/3 foward power
2 2/3 forward power
3 Full ahead engines.
4 Reverse engines.
5 Stop all engines.
6 Normal time flow.
7 Double time flow.
8 Tripple time flow.
9 Quad time flow.