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Discworld represents an unique effort to bring the work of fantasy novelist Terry Pratchett onto the computer screen.
The Discworld is an Adventure game based on the Discworld created by Pratchett from which a multitude of paperback novels
have been published. The game contains difficult puzzles that will test the patience of even seasoned adventure gamers.
A dragon has come to terrorize Ankh-Morpork, the largest city on the Discworld. It is up to the wizards of Unseen University
to get rid of the dragon. You play Rincewind, a wizard with little, if any, magical ability. As the University’s worst wizard,
you are also its most expendable, and so you are chosen to deal with the beast. You first task is to assemble a dragon locator.
Once you have found the dragon, you discover that it has been summoned by an evil brotherhood so that you must stop them
by traveling into the past. Still more, the dragon has to be dealt with, so your next task is to defeat the dragon and
become a hero. Unfortunately, Rincewind is as good at cowardice as he is bad at magic, so that you must lend your wits to
Rincewind so he may save the day.