Dismal Passages: Part I - The Wicked Curse

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Jeff Kintz
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For many gray moons an evil of unspeakable magnitude has taken over and dwelled in the dark underbelly of the land of Vor Terra. You are Brael, son of Yrael, who has lived like your father in this land, in your house. It had been six months since you found your love Trenna, who lived as the daughter of one of your neighbors. Just a few days after you first met her, after taking her to the brook, you wanted to be forever together. She lived in your house and help with your crops, that were to be sold or consumed. The local wise mother even foretold of her becoming fertile and bearing strong sons. But she did not fortell of the evil that would overcome your life. As the sun was setting, and a storm approached. A strange bird settled on the grounds that are yours. The bird, a large crow, pecked hungrily and savagely at the seeds you had just planted. The tenacity, you felt, to steal your food right before your eyes. Anger welled up inside you, Brael, and you sought justice. You ran toward the bird, expecting to fly into the air, frightened of man. But it did not, it continued to peck the ground almost in defiance of your approach. As you came near, it half flew, half ran, to a new area, where you werent. Frustrated, angered, you began to through rocks at the bird. One of them struck the bird in the wing. You laughed as the bird flopped over and stumbled around. Then the evil came.
A cold air blew around you, the world seemed to stop and turn on edge. The bird exploded into light, from the light a shadow of a bent figure appeared. The light faded out and in its place a ragged hideous woman stood. Her shriveled eyes stared at you, and she gave a throaty, sick cackle.
'You who stand in the face of evil shall be cursed, I am avenged'
The old woman said, she pointed a finger at you the drew up her hands. The arms made complex gestures, signs, you did not know what they were, but they horrified more than anything else had. She put down her arms, looked up to the now black sky and disappeared.
You crept back into your house silently, and tried to sleep through the night. Morning came, as you left the house, pretending that yesterday was a dream, you saw the fields. They were all dead. Brown, rotting, whithered, the grounds generations of your ancestors lay dead before you, you knew that yesterday was no dream. You ran to the pen, your chickens were sick, your livestock lay diseased. Feathers, manure, and blood ran together by your house. Any remaining animals you slaughtered and burned, you feared their diseased meat and discarded it. When you went back in the house, the worst occured. Your wife Trenna, whom you had spoken to just moments before lay on your bend, covered in sweat, moaning softly, and as pale as the animals you just killed. You went to the neighbors, to the wise mother, they could offer no assistance. You know what you have to do, find the witch that struck this evil curse upon you, beg for forgiveness, or exact revenge.


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