Front Lines

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Impression Software was founded in 1989. The company focused on strategy and business games including sport simulations. It was acquired by Sierra On-Line in 1995.
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Front lines is a strategy game released by Impression Games in 1994 for DOS platforms. The game is set in a sci-fi and futuristic realm and features a top-down perspective. The tactical wargame is set in the future, around the year 2044 or 2020. The year of the game differs whether the player plays the Germain or US version. The game can run in either two-player mode or single-player mode and can use a feature of head-to-head by modem.
Front lines present all the forces of the modern army. Moreover, it portrays a time in which sturdy laser weapons have become practical and soldiers wear geared armor. Also, in the setting, tanks can roll and hover along with unmanned ground striking aircraft. The artillery projectiles have advanced to being increasingly accurate and more powerful. The player commands his army comprising of some of the US forces. The opposing forces respond to a corporate conglomerate. The roles of supply assets, defensive, and offensive must be balanced properly. The game features a series of land battles over numerous types of terrain. The terrain gives several advantages and disadvantages to the player.
The game showcases representation of the geographical features of the real world of Europe to understand the military importance.
Every battle serves more than a single objective. However, the player must accomplish the objective in the given time frame. To succeed, the player must accomplish his objectives while preventing the foe from achieving his goal. Upon accomplishing an objective, the player is awarded victory points.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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