Gateway - Frederik Pohls
Developed by:
Legend Entertainment Company
Legend Entertainment Company was a Northern Virginia-based developer started in 1989 by Bob Bates and Mike Verdu. Their early games were illustrated text adventures. In 1993, they broke from the text tradition with Companions of Xanth which was their first game to feature a point-and-click interface.
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The alien world and humankind have always been a topic of interest for most gamers. Exploring this genre further by adding the spice of new twists, Gateway - Frederik Pohls is sure to take you on a ride to the other world.
The plot is set in the future time of 2077 wherein man stumbles upon spaceships on Venus which can move faster than light. This wonder is created by the ultra-intelligent race of aliens called Heechee. This leads mankind to stumble upon yet another space station called Gateway which is left abandoned between Venus and Mercury. Fast forwarding few more years, it's 2102, now Gateway is managed by a corporation called Gateway Enterprises. The space station sends out Heechee ships manned by prospectors to get back Heechee artifacts from space. Well, this is not as easy as it sounds. The pathway is filled with dangers and most prospectors have never returned back alive. If the mission is completed the prospector returns back rich.
You are the newest prospector who is sent on the mission to get bac...