
Developed by:
Sphere, Inc.
Sphere, Inc. was formed when Nexa Corporation merged with Spectrum Holobyte in 1987. Both companies were listed as divisions of Sphere, Inc. until late 1991. Sphere, Inc. was 89% owned by Robert Maxwell, the UK media baron. When Maxwell died in November 1991 (presumed to have fallen overboard from his luxury yacht), chaos ensued for all of the Maxwell companies, including Sphere.
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The actual time video game, GATO was made by Spectrum HoloByte. The game was released in the year 1984 for Microsoft DOS platforms. It submarine simulator game is a single player game.
It features battle operations on the submarine of GATO class across the Pacific Theater. The game takes the player back to the time of World War II. In the three-dimensional simulation games, the player plays the role of a commander of a submarine of the United States.
Accomplishing the goal
In the game, GATO, the task of the player is to chase the shipping of Japan across a map of 20 sectors. In addition, he needs to return for resupply whenever needed from the tender of the submarine. The game features randomly created maps which are not based on the geography of the actual world. Also, the island on the maps keeps on generating randomly which changes the geography of the game every time the player starts a new game.
Participating in combats
The player can view the combat with the help of a screen which provides a periscope view at different angles and indicators. The game features different levels of difficulty. The most difficult level demands the player to modify the briefings of the mission which are given in the form of Morse code which is audible.
The gameplay of GATO consists of several missions where the major goal is to direct the submarine to find and intercept the warships of the enemies. Aim at the torpedoes at the appropriate angle to sink the ships of the enemies.
The game was much praised as it is easy to be played and possess deep and detailed strategies.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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