Into The Eagles Nest

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Puzzles are one of the most played games across the globes. It’s not only enthralling but also keeps the player glued to the screen. If you too are a lover of puzzles, then Into the Eagles Nest is the right place for you.
The game is set in the backdrop of World War II. You as the gamer dons the hat of an allied soldier who is on the mission of invading the enemy fortress. The fort here is known as the Eagle’s Nest. There consist four castles, each of which you as a gamer have to infiltrate for unearthing the secrets of Nazi. The task is not as easy as it seems. In addition to cracking the secret of nazi, there is also a rescue mission. The Nazis are holding three allied saboteurs hostage along with the art treasures stolen during the war. The game ends when the Eagle’s nest is destroyed through the explosion.
The game is controlled using joystick aiding in firing, shooting and saving oneself. The player is assisted in the quest with fid aid kits, goods and ammunition dump in the fort. Into The Eagle’s Nest is an adventurous game filled with exciting twists and turns. It requires wit and vigilance for solving the task and not getting caught in the clutches of Enemies. If you too are a fan of operation rescue then put on your seat belts and get set on the mission.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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