James Clavells Shogun
Developed by:
Infocom, Inc.
Developer and publisher of interactive fiction games in the early 1980s. They were acquired by Activision in 1987.
No Multiplayer
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The James Clavells Shogun is a fiction game. The old PC game consists of puzzles which are a bit complicated. The theme of the game is based on the Dutch ship named Erasmus whose captain was John Blackthorne. The player plays the role of the captain of the Dutch ship.
In James Clavells Shogun, your ship gets caught in a massive storm and is unable to float anymore on the water. Your crew is hungry and thirsty and is unable to survive anymore. You need to put in efforts or the ship will clash with the rocks and the steep rocks that encounter your way. Thus, you with your crew members will die.
The game sets you on an adventure along with some actions. There are several puzzles in the game. As the storm is harming your ship, you need to solve the puzzles so that you can save the ship. Do not panic, would be the advice given to you. The game becomes challenging as the crew is hungry and thirsty apart from being terrified by the storm and other hurdles.
The game keeps you interested and involved in the game as it is full of adventures. As the game is challenging, you will like to complete the challenge and therefore you get indulged in the game.
The illustrations of the game are pretty good and the sound and graphics are done well.