Mazzembly 3D

Developed by:
The Dennis Courtney Five
No Multiplayer
3 x
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You are Demulamu - and your dad has given you a shiny new Pentium for XMas. You play around with it, and start to be creative.. making code in QBasic, graphics in Paintbrush, and music in your 16-bit wavetable multimedia soundcard's sample MIDI program. Still, you thirst for more.. so you check the local BBS's with your Terminal proggy, and find some kewl demo and music warez.. after you find a player and some code routines to copy a week later, you make a break into, yes yes, the demo scene! But noone on the net knows about you so they won't take your warez, and very few are downloading your stuff off the BBS's. Just as you are about to run out of hope, you see advertised on c.s.i.p.d.: 'Announcing Mazzembly '97 Multimedia Demo Gathering'. You quickly grab the invitation and share it with your dad.. who agrees to take you there! This could be your big break in the scene! All you need is to build your eliteness and gain fame. Only Mazzembly makes it possible!
In case you haven't seen Mazz2D, or forgot how to play it, here's the idea. You advance through levels in the party, walking around, picking up/buying items, talking to others, eating, sleeping, and even attacking others. The goal is to accumulate the most Fame points, which you can do by talking to lamers when you have Elite points (Eptz), or winning compos. The levels do not get any harder as you progress, but a couple challenges are added as your Fame/Eptz grow large.
The party starts on Friday at 10:00. Every step/turn you take uses one minute. The party ends on Sunday at 21:00 (cool Euro military time).
Left/Right arrow - turn left/right
Up arrow - move forward, pick up an item, or attack who's in front of you.
t - talk to who's in front of you.
q - quaff, or in simple terms, drink any booze you have.
h - heal, use first aid kits to replenish your hit points.
s - sleep, to replenish your energy.
d - drop (and destroy) any item in your inventory.
m - if you have a map, press this to show it.
l - if you have a missile launcher, use this to fire a missile.
Q/Esc - leave the party, quit the game.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
Please fill in the math result and click Download.