
Developed by:
Maelstrom Games Ltd
Maelstrom Games was the publishing company and label created by Mike Singleton in about 1988 when he found it impossible to find another publisher for Dark Spectre.
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"Midwinter" is a highly complex strategy game. It is easy to learn, but difficult to master. Many of the screens are driven by easily identifiable icons, the function of which are shown in the ICON.PIC.
When the game has loaded, select your method of control and "Training" mode from the 'Game Options' screen. Deselect "Mortars" and "Bombers", and click on the "Play" box. You are in control of Captain John Stark, leader of the Free Villages Peace Force, the law enforcement agency on the island of "Midwinter". Enemy forces under the control of the evil General Masters have set up their base in the south-east and are attempting to capture your Heat Mines which are distributed throughout the island. Your objective is to recruit fellow members of the F.V.P.F. (there are 32 in total) and ultimately to defeat General Masters by destroying his Headquarters in Shining Hollow.
Click on Captain Stark's portrait from the 'Team Display' to access his 'Personality Display'. Please refer to the ICON.MAP for quick identification of each icon. Each of the Team's Personality Displays give vital information as to their abilities and characteristics. The successful interaction of the 32 members of the F.V.P.F. is the key to winning. You must move Stark around the island to meet up with other people and hopefully recruit them.
Select the 'Main Map' icon to ascertain Stark's whereabouts. The map of the island shows locations of strategic importance as green dots which may be highlighted by selecting the buttons on the indicator board. Names of places are shown when the on screen pointer is moved over them. Stark's location is shown by a green arrow. The location of team members and enemy units are highlighted by selecting "People". They are shown as brown men and black crosses respectively. If a settlement is shown as a green dot with a white border, the enemy have captured it. The map magnification may be increased by clicking on the left mouse button, and decreased by clicking on the right.
When you have found stark and his nearest colleague, select 'Close Map'. Select the 'Decisions Display' icon from the Personality Display. The Decisions Display shows all options which are open to you. Please refer to the ICON.MAP for identification.
Select the 'Skiing' icon. This accesses the Skiing-3D action mode, where you view the landscape through Stark's goggles. Please note that action modes can be paused at any time by pressing "P" on the keyboard.
Clicking on the left mouse button sets you walking. Your walking speed may be increased by pushing forward on the mouse. When you meet a downwards slope you may start skiing properly, and your speed will increase quickly. Move the mouse left and right to steer, and click on the right mouse button to stop. The mini-map displayed shows your surrounding area, showing buildings and settlemets as white dots.
You should ski in the direction of your nearest colleague. You may refer to the Main Map at any time by pressing "M" on the keyboard. If at any time you hear a low-pitched drone, it signifies that the enemy are nearby. It is the sound of a vehicle engine. The green lights below the goggles will flash to indicate the vehicle's direction relative to you. If you spot a vehicle, stop skiing by clicking the right mouse button and press the "S" key to toggle to Sniping Mode. Here you view the landscape through Stark's rifle-sights. Line up the enemy vehicle on the cross-hairs and press the "Space Bar" to fire bullets.
Pressing the "S" key will return you to skiing. Pressing the "Space Bar" whilst skiing will throw a grenade directly ahead of you. Once you are close to a building or settlement, press "X" on the keyboard to return to the Decisions Display. You will have the option to enter any buildings which are nearby.
Every buildings in "Midwinter" has a specific function, full details of which may be found in the manual. If you are in a settlement, once you have selected the enter 'enter buildings' icon you will have a choice of building to enter. If a building icon has a red person next to it on the choice screen, it contains a recruit or potential recruit. If you enter this building, by clicking on it, you will have the option to 'join' forces with this person. To find your colleagues reply, click on his portrait. If he agrees to join, you will have two characters available to control, and further options will be open to you.


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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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