Operation Combat II: By Land, Sea & Air

Developed by:
Merit Software
Merit Studios, Inc. was originally an American public company based in Dallas, Texas. Merit Studios (Europe) Limited, (formerly Zeppelin Games), was formed in 1994 and was allocated responsibility for the sales, marketing and distribution of Merit Inc.'s US games into the European marketplace as well as developing its own products. In 1996, Merit Studios (Europe) Limited obtained both registered developer and publisher status for Sony PlayStation. At the end of 1996, the Directors of Merit Studios (Europe) completed a Management Buy Back of the European Subsidiary from Merit Studios, Inc. The company was renamed Eutechnyx Limited, with the Infogrames Group acquiring a minority shareholding in the company.
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Operation Combat II: By Land, Sea & Air is a war simulation and strategy game that runs on the DOS and Amiga platforms. The game is a sequel to Operation Combat, also published by Merit Studios in 1991. The game was released in the United States and several European countries in the following years.
The player assumes the role of a commander who is tasked with leading his troops to victory. The gameplay is turn-based where each turn lasts for about 240 seconds. The player can choose either the Red or the Blue army to command. The player can also choose from the six battle locations in different terrains.
These terrains range from deserts, mountains, Farmlands, tropical jungles, rivers, and islands. Each terrain brings its own challenges. The tropical jungle is filled with obstructions for both bullets and vehicles while the estuary islands require a different set of tactics due to the many small crossings and canals. The goal is to destroy the headquarters of the opponent. It is a multiplayer game; the players can choose to play against each other or the computer.
Air support is available and can be dispatched when necessary. Operation Combat II: By Land, Sea & Air is a slight improvement over its predecessor in terms of gameplay, graphics, and a wider range of options. There is a larger number of tanks involved and utilizing them efficiently can greatly alter the outcome of the game. The commander also needs to ensure the troops are well-rested before a battle sequence but must also be on the lookout for surprise attacks. Once the base is destroyed, the game is won.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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