Programed by William Soleau
Version 1.1 (c) 1993
Requirements: EGA and Brain Power
Files Needed:
Robix.ov1 Robix.ov2
Robix.ov3 Robix.ov4
The objective of Robix is get your color blocks to the bottom
of the game board by shifting entire rows either to the left or
right. You play Robix against the computer who will always
play the light blue blocks, you will play the Red blocks.
At the start of each game, the computer will randomly decide
who will go first. Each player then takes turns pushing a row
of blocks left or right. When a row is selected, it will be
shifted one grid space. The rows can only be pushed a total of
two times in either direction. If your color block is pushed
against one side of the grid board, then it will re-appear on
the other side after the row has shifted. When it is your turn
to play, you will see an arrow pointing to the top row on the
left side of the screen. Use the arrow keys to select the row
and the direction to push in. The computer will only let you
position the pointer icon on valid rows.
Once you have selected a row, push the <Spacebar> to activate
the push. If a block has the space to keep moving downwards,
it will continue to fall until it either reaches the bottom or
hits another block.
Robix has three types of games you can play. The Short game
ends when the first player can get 10 of his color blocks to
the bottom. The Medium game ends after 25 blocks, and the Long
game is 50 blocks. In the Medium and Long games, once a block
reaches the bottom, it will move back up to an empty space on
the top row.
Arrow Keys: Moves Pointer Icon
<SpaceBar>: Pushes Selected Row
<S>ound Toggle : Turns Sound ON/OFF
s<P>eed Key : Controls Speed of Game
<D>irections : Robix Instructions
<N>ew Game : Begins a new game of Robix
at any time.
<K>eys : Shows Key Definitions
<Q>uit : Exits Robix Game
Running Robix from Windows may cause unexpected results. The
game should be played by loading it directly from the Dos prompt.
� Soleau Software Games can be found �
� on most Bulletin Boards by searching �
� with Keyword: SOLEAU �
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� Compuserve : 70407,1730 �
� America Online: Soleau �
� Delphi: Soleau �
* S O L E A U S O F T W A R E *
Robix is distributed as Shareware. You are welcome to give this game
to your friends or local BBS. If you like Robix and continue to use
it, we ask you to register the game with us. Soleau Software depends
on your registrations in order to continue providing an alternative
to expensive commercial software. The registered version of Robix
greatly speeds up the loading and exiting of the program, plus
allows for two human players!
Your $12.00 registration of Robix will instantly make you a Soleau
Software Member. All members receive special discounts on our other
games through special bonus package offers sent with your disk.
Members also have the option to include an extra $6.00 dollars for
our Member Disk Pack which has EIGHT of our most popular Shareware
EGA/VGA games on a High Density Floppy Disk.
This offer is for Members Only, so please take the time to read the
Robx_reg.doc file for details and register Robix today !
We at Soleau Software thank you for your support and hope you will
continue to enjoy this as well as our other Shareware products.
William Soleau
Soleau Software
163 Amsterdam Avenue
Suite 213
New York, NY 10023