Sid Als Incredible Toons

Developed by:
Dynamix Inc.
Dynamix Inc. was located in Eugene, Oregon. Originally, the company was named Software Entertainment Company, which was started by Jeff Tunnell and Damon Slye, two graduates from the University of Oregon. The games weren't making enough money to keep Dynamix going, and in August 1990 the company was sold to Sierra On-Line.
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After the success of the previous series, Sid Als Incredible Toons only takes the excitement a notch higher. Featuring about 100 puzzles, the player is needed to solve puzzles all by merely building a machine joining together different objects. So, what is new in this sequel in comparison to its predecessor? Well, similar to the previous game, the protagonists in this game also is Sid and Al, a cat and a mouse. But while they behaved quite well in the previous series, herein they fight no less than a tom and jerry constantly on the verge of irritating each other and constantly stuffing their mouth with food. Also, these two creatures are continuously hit by anvils and keep getting kicks. The graphic is set in the form of a cartoon and the players are required to complete all the hundred puzzles to emerge as the winner. The player is needed to build a machine using different pieces and objects. Only after completing one puzzle can the player move to the next level. The puzzles are divided into four levels. In addition, the player can add their own puzzles or else play from the seventy-some puzzles of gadgets. Sids Als Incredible Toons offers to all puzzle lovers excellent medium to solve enthralling puzzles. With its colorful protagonists and fun-filled themes, this game is no less an adventure ride for players all across the world.


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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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