Sink or Swim

Developed by:
Odysseus Software
No Multiplayer
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Sink or Swim is a game that is set aboard a sinking ship. You are a mariner named Kevin Codner and you answer a call of distress from SS Lucifer a cruise liner that is on its way to the bottom of the ocean. The cruise liner has 60 levels from which you need to rescue the passengers. The passengers are labeled “dim” because they do not have your ship smarts. You board the ship using a tiny submarine. Sink or Swim is a game that is like Lemmings. There is a need for you to go to every level and find a method to guide the passengers towards the exit passage located in that level. This is done by blasting all the obstacles in your path or by repositioning the boxes using a crane or conveyor belts. As the levels progress the puzzles get more and more difficult, you will not only need to remove obstacles from the path, you will also have to make the path safe for the passengers to travel through. You will need to repair broken steam pipes to prevent them from harming the passengers, use crates to prevent them from falling into a hole on the floor etc. Every level on the ship requires you to save a certain minimum number of passengers before moving onto the next level. This game provides you passwords everytime you complete a level. You can use these passwords to go back to the level you were playing at later on.



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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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The downloaded packages are prepared to be runnable with a single click. Only thing you need to do is download the zip archive, unzip to your game directory and run the game with included "Play NOW.exe" file. For more information see Download Notice
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