Tommy's abstrabomber (c) copyright 1987 by tommy's toys
P. O. Box 11261, denver, co 80211 usa. All rights reserved.
Catalog #87-101-1a
On alien worlds we often bomb in the abstract so we can dispense with all the
Bother of getting shot at. In bombing an abstract world you get the thrills
And the satisfaction without getting airsick. Try it and see what rating you
Can achieve.
Fuel gauge:
Fuel remaining is displayed at the upper right side of the screen. When your
Fuel runs out, the bomb run is over.
Bomb sight: the bomb sight crosshairs may be moved via the 4 arrow keys on
The numeric key pad. At higher difficulty levels than 1, the crosshairs
Wander randomly when you aren't controlling them.
Bomb arming: as bombs are armed and poised for release, they appear at the
Bottom of the bomb screen.
Bomb release: function keys f9 or f10, or the space bar.
Function keys:
To quit: hit function key f7.
To toggle sound effects on/off: hit function key f1.
To toggle the demo mode: hit function key f2. In demo mode, the computer
Plays while you watch. *note* hitting f2 zeroes the score!
Note: the function key legends at the bottom of the screen indicate the mode
That will be entered by pressing the key, which, for toggle switches, is the
Opposite of the mode in effect at the time.
Command line parameters:
s start up with sound off
m force mono display mode
c force color display mode
Example: >abstrabm ms
Did you like this toy?
Don't forget to try our gobs of other neat low-priced toys and games for the
Ibm pc and compatibles. Our nifty demo disk (3.5 inch or 5.25 inch -- please
Specify), containing an electronic toy catalog and other goodies, is only $2
To any u.s. Address, $3 outside u.s. (u.s. Funds only or check drawn on u.s.
Bank). If your pc bores you write us now.
Tommy's toys, p.o. Box 11261, denver, co 80211 usa.
Play often!