Tommy's airshark (c) copyright 1986 by tommy's toys
P. O. Box 11261, denver, co 80211 usa. All rights reserved.
Catalog #86-021-1a
You are the pilot of the super helicopter airshark flying over enemy
The enemy force consists of tanks with surface to air missiles (sams). You
Have a large supply of air to surface missiles, which you can fire two at a
Time by pressing function key f9.
Speed control:
Your speed (0..9) is controlled by hitting the appropriate key on the upper
Row of the keyboard.
The airshark is controlled from the 4 arrow keys on the numeric key pad.
The left and right arrow keys control the left and right slew rate, while the
Up and down arrow keys control the altitude slew rate. The maximum slew
Rates are +/- 9, and in addition there is a computer lock-out when the
Altitude reaches 30 (minimum) or 100 (maximum).
Your score is the number of enemy tanks you hit with your missiles. Your
Ship will take 3 direct hits by enemy sams; after that, you have a 50-50
Chance of surviving each additional hit.
Your viewscreen is a look-down display that can be reconfigured by hitting
The "p" key at any time: you will be prompted for the upper and lower screen
Row positions, then the left and right screen column positions for the
Alongside the viewscreen are the sighting arrows. When you press the fire
Key (fn key f9), your onboard computer aims your missile launcher
Only at enemy tanks within the window bracketed by the sighting arrows.
To change the sighting arrows, use functions keys f5-f8: keys f5 and f6
Control the upper sighting limit, and keys f7 and f8 control the lower
Sighting limit.
When you reconfigure the viewscreen, the initial sighting arrow display
Rows are prompted for after the viewscreen parameters.
Difficulty level:
The difficulty levels are 1..9, with 9 the most difficult. Function key f3
Decreases, and function key f4 increases the difficulty level.
Sound effects toggle:
Function key f10 toggles the sound effects on and off.
Demo mode:
Function key f1 toggles the demo mode. When on, the onboard computer fires
The missiles at targets of opportunity and controls the speed and altitude
(but doesn't steer). Note that the legend for fn key f1 displays the mode
That will be entered when the key is pressed, not the mode in effect at
The time.
You get 1 point for each tank kill.
*warning* pressing function key f1, f3, or f4 will zero the score!
To quit the game: press function key f2, the esc key, or the "q" key.
Bottom line display:
Right below the viewscreen is the data display, which includes the speed
(0..9), left/right slew rate (-9...+9), altitude (>=0), and, to the far
Right, the number of enemy tanks in the viewscreen (not just between the
When a tank fires a missile, a data display pops up in the middle of the
Line giving the relative row and col positions, and the relative altitude.
Avoiding enemy missiles:
As enemy missiles close in on you, you must change speed and maneuver to
Make them miss. The enemy missiles home in on your exhaust and thus
Reset their course at intervals, making continuous maneuvering a necessity.
Anti-missile laser:
The airshark has an onboard laser which automatically aims and fires at
Incoming enemy missiles. As it has a maximum effective distance of 50
And a finite recharge time between shots, don't rely on it to eliminate
The need for maneuvers against enemy missiles.
To skip the startup show: hit the <enter> key twice instead of once when
Calling the program up from dos.
To display these instructions: hit the "h" key.
Command line parameters:
s start up with sound off
m force mono display mode
c force color display mode
* skip startup show
Example: >airshark ms
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Good luck!