Tommy's antfarm (c) copyright 1986 by tommy's toys
P.o. Box 11261, denver, co 80211 usa. All rights reserved.
Catalog #86-022-1a
This program brings back the portable glass antfarm you had as a kid.
You are the black ant trying to penetrate the antfarm and steal the eggs of
The white ants which populate it. To move, use the arrow keys. When you have
Stolen an egg, you then have to take it back up and out of the antfarm to
'Score an egg', 100 points.
You also get one point for every clock tick that you are inside the antfarm,
But remember that you get one point deducted for every clock tick you are
Outside the antfarm.
Watch out for the queen which guards the eggs! Also watch out for the many
Soldier ants which patrol the antfarm looking to protect it. The inverse
Video ants are the only others which can harm you; the rest merely get in your
Way and you have to hope that your presence makes them fidgetty.
Function key function
------------ --------
f1 demo/manual mode toggle. In demo mode, the computer moves
the black ant.
note that the legend for function key f1 tells you what
mode you will be in after you press the key, which is the
opposite of the one you are in at the time.
f2 spot the black ant. Pressing this key causes your token to
light up so you can find out where it is in case you lost it.
f3 decrease difficulty level.
f4 increase difficulty level.
note: the difficulty levels are 1...9, with 9 the most
f5 display these instructions
f9 quit the game (you can also hit the esc key or the "q" key).
f10 sound effects on/off toggle switch.
*warning* pressing function keys f1, f3, or f4 zeroes the score!
Command line parameters:
s start up with sound off
m force mono display mode
c force color display mode
Example: >antfarm ms
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Tommy's toys, p.o. Box 11261, denver, co 80211 usa.
Good luck!