Tommy's blob (c) copyright 1986 by tommy's toys
P. O. Box 11261, denver, co 80211 usa. All rights reserved.
Catalog #86-008-1a
****to exit from tommy's blob hit function key f9.****
Tommy's blob simulates two blobs of slime meeting on a stump, or the immune
System of a frenchman.
The game starts with the bad blob already pretty well established on the
Screen. You then move the good blob cursor using the 4 arrow keys on the
Numeric key pad to establish your blob on the screen.
(ok, this is level 1 only, but that's the idea of the whole toy.)
Once established, each blob grows on its own by a simple algorithm as follows:
A blob square will attempt to expand into each of the 8 adjacent squares,
Based on the number of squares 'n' within a radius of 'grid' occupied by
Hostile blobs:
1. Let m=.5*((2*grid+1)^2-1)
x x x x x x x |
x x x x x x x grid=3
x x x x x x x __|____
x x x k x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x there are (2*grid+1)^2-1 squares
in the grid around k.
2. If n>m, then square k expands into adjacent blank squares with
probability 100% and adjacent hostile squares with probability
p (initially .85).
3. If n<m, then square k expands into adjacent blank squares with
probability 50% and adjacent hostile squares with probability
1-p (initially .15).
4. If n=m, then square k expands into all adjacent squares with
probability 50%.
The game terminates when:
1. Either the good or bad blob occupies 1250 of the 1840 squares on the
screen (approx. 68%).
2. An optional time limit is reached.
Note: if you aren't mathematical enough to understand the algorithm,
take more math courses when you get the chance; in the meantime,
go ahead and play, because the algorithm doesn't really matter!
To play:
Select a game difficulty level (1..9), a grid size (1..99), and a probability
Level p (.5-1.0). Set a time limit if desired. Then start moving the good
Blob cursor using the arrow keys on the numeric key pad.
The function key assignments are as follows:
Fn key # function
-------- --------
f1 sound toggle switch
f2 demo mode toggle switch
f3 restart the game with new parameters
f4 display these instructions
f5 increase grid size (1..99)
f6 decrease grid size
f7 increase p (0.5-1.0)
f8 decrease p
f9 quit
f10 (for color monitors only) change the screen border color.
**note** the legends for the function keys at the bottom of the screen are
The modes that will be entered by pressing the keys, which, for a toggle type
Switch, is the opposite of the mode currently in effect.
Difficulty levels:
1: you move the good blob cursor until the best blob wins.
2: you can only move the good blob cursor until all blank squares on the
screen are filled. After that, best blob wins.
in levels 1 and 2, the game starts with the bad blob already "planted" around
the race to short-circuit its growth and take over the screen.
3: the bad blob gets its own cursor which moves as it lists. Both cursors
freeze when all blank squares are filled.
4: same as 3, except neither cursor will freeze.
5-7: same as 4, except new blobs will appear on the screen randomly until
the blank squares are gone (the higher difficulty, the more often they
will appear).
8,9: same as 6,7 except that only bad blobs will appear.
Time limit:
The program prompts for a time limit. If no time limit is desired, give it
A time limit of zero (0).
Game save and restore:
Is automatic when you exit. If you don't want to restart a game that has
Been saved, you must either erase or rename the game files "blob.tmp" and
Other information:
To freeze the game: use the ibm pc's 'ctrl-num lock' combination.
To skip the startup show, press the <enter> key twice instead of once when
Calling the program up from dos (if your computer is slow enough ha ha).
Command line parameters:
s start up with sound off
m force mono display mode
c force color display mode
* skip the startup show
Example: >blob ms*
Did you like this toy?
Don't forget to try our gobs of other neat low-priced toys and games for the
Ibm pc and compatibles. Our nifty 5.25 inch (360kb) or 3.5 inch (720kb) demo
Disk, containing an electronic catalog and other goodies, is only $2 to any
U.s. Address, $3 outside u.s. (u.s. Funds only or check drawn on u.s. Bank).
If your pc bores you write us now.
Tommy's toys, p.o. Box 11261, denver, co 80211 usa.
Good luck!