Tommy's Connecting Point
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2 to 4 may play, or 1 person against his alter ego. When 2 or more play they group into 2 teams
(for 3 players, one team has 2 players and the other team has 1 player).
Each chain consists of 7 phrases, each following by free association from the one or two that connect with it.
Initially the first and last phrases in the chain are given, and the task is to guess the other 5 phrases, one at a time,
but only the topmost or bottommost unguessed phrase at any given step.
When the last phrase is guessed, we have the connecting point of fact and fiction, space lore and psychodrama: the truly
adept observer can then tell everything about you and predict your fortune somehow.
A game is 3 or more rounds.
In round 1 the scoring is 10 points each for the 1st through 4th phrase, 15 points for the 5th and last phrase.
On succeeding rounds the scores increase to 20 and 40 points, respectively.
The first team to 200 wins the game.