Tommy's crosswords (c) copyright 1987 by tommy's toys
P. O. Box 11261, denver, co 80211 usa. All rights reserved.
Catalog #87-100-1a
This program turns your ibm pc or compatible into a personal crossword puzzle
Management system, allowing you to create and solve computerized crossword
Puzzles in beautiful color: now even a pessimist can start to solve a
Crossword puzzle with a 'fountain pen'.
This program is really great for solving puzzles from the papers: just type
Them in at home on your ibm pc, then bring a diskette to work for fun during
Work breaks; or make up crossword puzzles and give them to your friends to
Solve ... What you have here is an unlimited fun machine!
Puzzle files:
Each puzzle is given a unique number from 0 to 99, and a 35-character title.
Some people like to start each title out with 1 to 3 asterisks (*) to indicate
The difficulty level.
Note: puzzle number ij is given the dos name "x00ij.puz" for the solution
File, and "x00ij.wrk" for the working file. All these files are saved on
The default dos path, hence if you want more than 100 puzzle files you must
Run the program from different dos paths.
Puzzle size:
Puzzles are limited to 17 rows by 18 columns.
To use tommy's crosswords:
You are prompted as to whether you want to create a new puzzle, or try to
Solve one from disk; if you have worked on this puzzle before, the work file
Is restored.
To quit the puzzle:
>> and exit the program, hit function key f7.
>> and choose another, hold down the ctrl key and hit the q key (ctrl-q).
Anytime you quit the puzzle or the program, your work is automatically saved.
1. Solution mode
To solve a puzzle:
Move the cursor via the 4 arrow keys on the numeric key pad, then type
Letters in at the cursor.
Solution check:
The program automatically checks to see when you have solved the puzzle.
*note* when you have solved the puzzle, be sure and delete the ".wrk" file
Before letting somebody else try it.
Cheat mode (f3, f4):
Press f3 to get the current letter (pointed to by the cursor) into the puzzle.
Press f4 to get the entire phrase.
Sense control (<enter>):
The <enter> key controls the current sense: across or down. This is used
Only when pressing f4, or entering clues (see below).
When you start to solve a puzzle your score is initialized to 10,000 points.
For each letter you get via cheat mode, one point is deducted from the score.
Playing against the clock:
The elapsed time in seconds since you began solving the puzzle is displayed
In the lower right hand corner of the screen.
2. Creation mode
To enter the puzzle:
Just position the cursor via the 4 arrow keys on the numeric key pad, then
Type a letter. All blank squares are blocked out by the program after
Entering clue mode, but you can use the esc key to block them out yourself if
You want.
Warning: no one-character phrases will be given clue entries.
Entering clues (ctrl-c):
After you have entered all the phrases you want in the puzzle, hold down the
Ctrl key and press the c key. The puzzle will then be numbered and you will
Enter clue mode. Now just move the cursor to any phrase in the puzzle, wait
For the rotating clue displays to come to a stop, then edit the clue (use
The <enter> key to change between across and down clues).
Editing a numbered puzzle (ctrl-e):
Hold down the ctrl key and press the e key. You can then correct spelling
Errors in the puzzle. But you cannot use the space key or esc key without
Causing the puzzle numbering to change, which will cause the program to throw
Away all the clues: therefore you are prompted when you try to do this.
To go back to entering clues, hit ctrl-c again.
Editing the puzzle title (ctrl-t):
You can edit the puzzle title by holding down the ctrl key and pressing the
T key. After you have finished, hit ctrl-t again, or the <enter> key.
Complete vs. Incomplete puzzle files:
When you try to save the puzzle you created, you are asked if the puzzle is
Complete or incomplete. If you specify complete, you are asked for a password
(a number from 1 to 32767): from that point on, you cannot edit the solution
File without the password, to prevent the puzzle solver from getting at the
Encryption option:
Normally you would want your solution file encrypted so the solver cannot
Cheat, however, you are given the option to leave it unencrypted.
To use this program to solve crossword puzzles from newspapers:
Block out the shape of the puzzle using x's for phrases; then enter clue mode
And enter the clues; finally enter edit mode again to work on the phrases
Until you get the puzzle solved.
To put copyright information in your original puzzle:
After you save the complete puzzle file, go back into it with a text editor
(a pop-up note file editor works great) and add, after the puzzle title line
(line 4), an optional copyright line, starting with a left paren "(" in
Column 1. For example:
(c) copyright 1988 by betty lou
You can also add as many lines as you want at the end of the puzzle; the
Program ignores them.
Function keys:
f1 * sound effects toggle
f3 get current solution letter
f4 get current solution phrase
f5 display these instructions
f7 quit the program (work is automatically saved)
f10 (color monitors only) change the screen border color
*note: the legend for a toggle switch indicates the mode that will be entered
By pressing the key, which is the opposite of the mode in effect at the time.
Command line parameters:
/m force mono display mode
/c force color display mode
For example: >xwords /m
Don't forget!
Don't forget to try our gobs of other neat low-priced games and toys for the
Ibm pc and compatibles. We are waiting to send you our 5.25 inch (360kb) or
3.5 inch (720kb) demo disk, containing an electronic catalog plus other
Goodies, for only $2 to any u.s. Address, $3 outside u.s. (u.s. Funds only
Or check drawn on u.s. Bank).
And, if you like crossword puzzles, send for tommy's crossword puzzle pak,
Containing the latest verion of tommy's crosswords plus a whole pak of 200
Neat crossword puzzles on all subjects, designed by aliens from outer space
With hyperintelligence, all for only $19.95 postpaid in u.s.a. (outside u.s.
Add $5). (please specify 3.5 inch or 5.25 inch diskettes).
Play often!