Tommy's Hollywords
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How much do you know about movie titles? This game will test your knowledge to the max.
You are given the names of 2 lead actors from a movie, scrambled up. You are given a clue as to the title of the movie,
and you are given the movie title scrambled up. You must then unscramble the actors' names and the movie title.
There are two levels of play, in level 1 each word is scrambled separately, in level 2 each word is scrambled separately
then the word order is also scrambled. In level 3 each phrase is scrambled along with the embedded blanks.
In the solo game you play against the clock, trying for the minimum time on 10 puzzles. You can give up on a puzzle
(by hitting function key F9) but you get zero points! If you don't give up, your score is based on the number of seconds
you took, maximum is 1000. If you can't get it right in 2000 seconds (approx. 30 minutes) you get a score of zero.
High scores are automatically kept by the computer on disk on the file hollywrd.scr, which you can erase if you want to
clear the high scores. Note: to make the game more challenging, the computer does not tell you whether you are right until
you have all 3 puzzle lines right: actor 1, actor 2, movie title; there is no "beep" when you get a given line right.