Transport Tycoon
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Microprose was founded in 1982 by Sid Meier and Bill Stealey. The company became well known very early with lots of interesting titles, where some of them became a legend. The company was acquired and dismantled in 2004.
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Transport Tycoon is a two-dimensional game whose story is related to business strategy. In the game, the player plays the character of a businessperson who is the owner of a transportation enterprise. Also, the player can challenge the contenders and make profits by transportation of man and material.
In order to establish a transportation domain, the player needs to build roads for transportation, which contain hubs around the cities and factories. The enterprise and the hubs of the player get rated according to the proficiency of the service they provide. People prefer those hubs, which have better ratings.
At the beginning of the game, Transport Tycoon the player borrows some money for investing in the construction of the transportation services. The player also pays the interest on the loan. As the player progresses in the game, he can get revenues; expand his business, and his network of transportation services. In addition to this, the game features advancement in the technology with the passing of years. If the player becomes successful in staying in the game till the year 2030, the player wins the game and gets their name on the gallery of renown.
The game runs from 1930 to 2030, and the player can save the game at any particular year. Also, the player can have several saves of the game. Also, the vehicles should be connected with all the rail hubs of the town. The player makes money by transporting the passengers and their goods. The amount of revenue depends on the type of the merchandise and the distance over which the merchandise needs to be transported. The game features classical music and tunes of jazz for giving the game an ancient tint.