Transport Tycoon Deluxe
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Microprose was founded in 1982 by Sid Meier and Bill Stealey. The company became well known very early with lots of interesting titles, where some of them became a legend. The company was acquired and dismantled in 2004.
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Transport Tycoon presents you with a vast game world made up of numerous small towns and raw material resources. You’ve got a large amount
of borrowed money and you’ve got to prove yourself; to set the wheels in motion to become The Transport Tycoon.
Matched against a batch of ruthless rivals, you’ll have to act quickly; to build the key routes that will rake in the cash. Build stations,
airports, docks and a linking road, rail, air and ship network that will move passengers, mail or goods to the most lucrative destination.
As the years roll by you’ll have the chance to buy more advanced and faster vehicles and vessels; if you can afford them!
The Deluxe version brings the several improvements over the standard edition.